

Yukinori Shimura was born in Osaka and lived in Kobe until he graduated from high school. He worked for Japanese and French local governments and a private educational institution. Now, he works as an associate professor for the National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College.

Faculty of Humanities, Shizuoka University, Japan(Bachelor of Sociology)
Graduate School of Humanities, Kobe University, Japan(Master of Letters)
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kobe University, Japan(Doctor of Philosophy)
Graduate School of Philosophy, Paris 1 University - Pantheon Sorbonnes, France
Faculty of Letters, Paris East University - Marne la Valée, France
Faculty of Education, Internatinal Pacific University, Japan (Bachelor of Education)

NSCA-CPT (National Strength & Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer)
Teacher's licence for junior high school(Mathematics/English)
Teacher's licence for high school(Mathematics/English)

▷Research Map (Yukinori SHIMURA)
Contact shimura☆ replace @ with ☆)