"Live with philosphy"
Yuki Shimura studies the modern western philosophy.
- SHIMURA Yukinori "Compeled, Decided, but Free Though - the Peculiarity of Decartes' Theory of Liberty". Culture and philosophy (27), 59-78, July 2010 (in Japanese)
- SHIMURA Yukinori "Preliminary Study on Roles of the Intelectuel Emotion in Descartes' Passions of soul" , Aichi (21), 84-97, November 2009 (in Japanese)
- SHIMURA Yukinori "Is the Provisory Moral in Discourse of the method Provisory?" Aichi (18), 91-101, September 2006 (in Japanese)
- SHIMURA Yukinori "Survey on the Descartes' Theory of Will Based on Interpretations of "indifferentia", Culture and philosophy (22), 77-93, November 2005 (in Japanese)
- SHIMURA Yukinori "Possibility and Limit of Scientifically Grounding the Moral Values", 99th Conference of Japan society for moral education , June 26, 2022, Musashino University (in Japanese)
- SHIMURA Yukinori "Compeled, decided, but free though - the peculiarity of Decartes' theory of liberty", 32th Conference of Shizuoka philosophy society, November 3rd, 2009 at Granship Shizuoka (in Japanese)
- SHIMURA Yukinori "The Basis of Moral of Descartes, from the Reading of M. Geroult", 25th Conference of Shizuoka philosophy society, November 3rd, 2002 at Shizuoka University (in Japanese)
- Annales 1929-2010, Vol.5, Chapter 11 and 12, Fujiwara Shoten, June 2017 (into Japanese)
- Annales 1929-2010, Vol.4, Chapter 6, Fujiwara Shoten, June 2015 (into Japanese)
- Moral, Kagawa Fujii Junior High School, 2017
- "The Myth and Hero", Jules Ferry High School (France), 2013
- "Let's know scientists related to the sea", NIT Wakayama Science School for Junior, 2021-
- Japan society for moral education, 2021-
- Shizuoka philosophy society, 2002-

Academic Society
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